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Preschool Orientation

This is where you and your child are welcome to come and visit our preschool and get to know me. I will also be talking about our new curriculum that will be taught. This is different than other preschools, but I hope to bring on a new way of learning by integrating reading throughout the year that will help bring more success to their phonics skills.

You may come that night to see if your child fits in our curriculum and if you would like to join or not. Spaces may be filled up by then, so I strongly suggest registering before this event to make sure we have space available.

Registration fee of $35 is due by this day. It is for all materials used throughout the year. I will provide a folder for them as well as all their art supplies, paper, pencils, etc. They just need a full size backpack.

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© Jan. 2017 by Tacie Dayley
Kiddie Cove Preschool
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